A defense firm with focus on criminal and Federal charges and DWI defense.
Criminal Charges
Including assault, battery, possession, distribution, municipal court summons, and traffic tickets.
DWI Charges
Including refusal, DWI for first, second, and third offenses, underage DWI, and pre-trial intervention (PTI).
Federal Charges
Including federal conspiracy, immigration, weapon possession, and other federal charges.
Criminal Defense Lawyers
When facing criminal charges, your life – and livelihood – could be at stake.
If criminal charges are hanging over your head, it may be difficult to avoid a conviction without a skilled defense attorney on your side. Legal representation is invaluable in all forms of criminal litigation, from simple traffic tickets to assault and battery offenses. Even when it seems that the evidence of the case favors the accused and should lead to a dismissal, the State can still find ways to craft an argument that puts your liberty at risk.Not surprisingly, the most favorable court decisions (and least severe penalties, if any) will almost always come with the help of a team of legal professionals.
Serious New Jersey criminal defense attorneys. Serious justice. Criminal matters handled throughout the state.
Our firm provides representation to individuals facing a wide range of criminal charges, felonies, misdemeanors, and ordinance violations. We also represent individuals who have been charged with all forms of firearms or weapons violations and other violent crimes, possession and distribution of marijuana or other drugs/controlled dangerous substances, and license suspensions resulting from motor vehicle violations.
For those individuals seeking to legally expunge a crime, our firm will help you clear your good name so that you can move on with your life without fear of a past incident affecting your ability to gain employment or hinder other interests.
A time-honored reputation for excellence, extensive criminal defense experience, and skillful case presentation.
When facing a criminal charge, it is important for you to know that a professional criminal defense attorney that cares about your rights is handling your case. Never assume that every criminal lawyer is equal in skill, degree of care, or commitment to justice.
The New Jersey defense lawyers at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have years of experience trying criminal cases, have served as New Jersey Superior Court and Municipal Court prosecutors, and are well known and highly regarded by many of the state’s judges and prosecutor offices.In short, we have the experience and competence to obtain justice in every criminal matter we handle.
New Jersey DWI Defense Lawyers
New Jersey has very stringent laws and accompanying penalties for DWI arrests. DWI arrests can lead to having a criminal record, license suspension, raised insurance premiums, and even jail time.But although it may seem obvious that a driver can be stopped, inspected, and arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol or marijuana, many drivers are unaware that they could also face DWI charges for driving while taking prescribed medications. Even something as simple as an over-the-counter allergy medication can result in a DWI criminal charge.
What’s worse, the penalties for medication-related DUI charges are virtually the same as those imposed for alcohol-related DWI charges.
Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Advocacy Until the End
With that said, it is important to remember that being arrested for a suspected DWI does not make the individual automatically guilty. Countless drivers are arrested every day based on the officer’s opinion, without examination of the hard evidence, and by means of flawed testing procedures caught on tape by police vehicle video surveillance systems. All of these defenses will be considered and evaluated for each client.
A DWI arrest can put your life as you know it at risk of severe consequences. For any DWI case, an experienced DWI defense lawyer is the best way to prevent these consequences from occurring.
Unparalleled Credentials for New Jersey DWI Defense, Including Dräger Alcotest Certification
When you hire a firm to defend your DWI, DUI, or Refusal charges, you also retain the firm’s credentials, experience, and the relationships that have been built throughout all levels of the NJ court system. As one of the largest and most reputable DWI defense firms in New Jersey, the attorneys at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have over 100 years of collective experience defending alcohol- and substance-related driving offenses throughout the Garden State.
Our firm employs four out the fifteen lawyers in New Jersey that are certified in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, the tests law enforcement officers use to make a DWI arrest. Moreover, out of only five Certified Field Sobriety Testing Instructors in the state, two of these instructors are lawyers at our firm. Additionally, five of our DWI defense attorneys are certified by Dräger Industries in the operation and maintenance of the Alcotest breathalyzer machine, the breath test device used by police to measure blood alcohol content (BAC) after a DWI arrest.In addition, many of the firm’s primary DWI defense attorneys are former NJ Superior Court and Municipal Court prosecutors. In other words: we know the New Jersey Legal System.
If you have been arrested or received a ticket or summons for DWI, DUI, or Refusal in NJ, the attorneys at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have the experience and knowledge of the law to deliver the best results possible for the cases that they are hired for.
Experienced Lawyers for Federal Indictable Offenses
If Federal charges have been filed against you, it stands to reason that your entire life, livelihood, and future is at stake.
Regardless of what the ‘facts’ of your Federal case may be, if the case has been removed to the Federal court level, trying to defend the charges on your own or with a public defender could be extremely risky.
Federal charges and the accompanying trial process can be extensive. The CIA, DEA, or FBI may have been involved in the creation of your case, and crafty Federal officials will attempt to prosecute it. These agencies have a wide range of resources and years of experience to their name.
Fight fire with fire to get the best possible defense for Federal Charges.
With a long history of successful criminal defense litigation, the lawyers at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall will see to it that justice is served. The firm has numerous legal resources within arms length, and employs attorneys with litigation skills who are ready to provide each client with professional, personal legal service throughout the entire Federal court process.
Stand up for your rights against these Federal allegations with the help of our New Jersey legal team. The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall represents defendants in Federal cases statewide, including Federal conspiracy, Federal weapon possession charges, securities fraud, and other criminal offenses committed on Federal Property. In other words, our firm can assist almost any client facing Federal charges.
If you’re facing Federal Charges, you need an aggressive team of experienced attorneys with a proven track record for success. Contact The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall today for a free, no-obligation confidential consultation.