New Jersey DWI Lawyer

New Jersey laws regarding drunk driving — driving while intoxicated or impaired (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI) — are among the strictest in the nation, including a ban on DWI plea bargaining for a lower charge. A first conviction of drunk driving can cost you hundreds of dollars in fines, up to 30 days in jail, loss of driving privileges for 90 days, and additional, lasting financial consequences.

A DWI conviction remains on your record for prospective employers, loan officers, college officials and others to find during background checks.

It is absolutely crucial to have an experienced N.J. DWI defense attorney represents you if you have been charged with driving while impaired or related drunk driving offenses in New Jersey. Most law firms treat DWI cases as just another item on their docket. For us, it’s a core focus. Unlike firms where DWI is handled by a generalist, we’ve established a dedicated DWI department, staffed with highly trained attorneys who live and breathe these cases. This specialization isn’t just a talking point. It’s a commitment to giving clients the best possible defense by leveraging advanced training and a deep familiarity with the intricacies of DWI law. The criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have the courtroom-tested legal experience needed to defend you against DWI charges and seek the best possible results in your case.


Drunk Driving in NJ and the Types of DWI/DUI Cases We Handle

It is illegal in New Jersey to drive with a blood alcohol content (BAC) at or above 0.08%, which may be established through breath, blood or urine tests. The threshold is 0.04% for trucks, bus and other commercial drivers. However, if you consume any amount of alcohol and police think your driving is negatively affected, you can be arrested and charged with drunk driving.

DWI in New Jersey

A person younger than 21 years old may be found guilty of DWI with any detectible amount of alcohol in his or her blood while behind the wheel of a car.

It is also a violation for a person to operate a motor vehicle when impaired by a narcotic, hallucinogenic or habit-producing drug. When an impaired driving offense is based on use of drugs, it is commonly referred to as driving under the influence of drugs (DUI).

Penalties for DWI and DUI grow harsher with subsequent convictions and include prison time as well as thousands of dollars in fines.

A DWI lawyer at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can provide you with aggressive legal representation to fight these impaired driving charges:

Why Choose Us

New Jersey DWI LawyerAs with any criminal charge, you are considered innocent unless and until a prosecutor has proven your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. To stop this from happening, there has to be some issue that shows the prosecution’s case to be flawed. The key to identifying problems in the prosecution’s DWI/DUI case is a defense attorney’s experience.

Our team of former N.J. prosecutors and public defenders has extensive experience handling drunk driving charges.

Our credentials are unparalleled among New Jersey law firms, including:

  • 5 attorneys certified to operate and maintain the Draeger Alcotest 7110 MKIIIC alcohol breath test instrument, New Jersey’s official breath test machine.
  • A New Jersey version of the Draeger Alcotest breath test machine owned by the firm for use in preparing cases.
  • 5 lawyers certified in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST), the only way to prove a DWI if and/or when scientific evidence like breath readings or blood tests are eliminated.
  • 3 DWI defense attorneys who are instructors in the administration of the SFST.
  • 200 years of combined experience successfully defending New Jersey drivers charged with driving while intoxicated and related offenses.
  • Former DWI prosecutors in over 25 NJ municipalities including several mega violation towns
  • DWI Department chaired by Colin Bonus, 1 of 4 attorneys in the state whose practice is limited 100% to this area of law

We have one of the largest and most experienced legal defense teams in New Jersey at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall. We have the qualifications, training, and resources needed to devote the time and energy to developing an effective DWI defense for you.

If you have been charged with a DWI, DUI, or test refusal in New Jersey, contact the criminal defense lawyers at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall for a free consultation. An initial consultation with our DWI defense attorneys is always free of charge.

Our criminal defense attorneys handle drinking and driving cases throughout New Jersey. We do our best to accommodate clients in terms of payment. We accept all major credit cards for the convenience of our clients. We believe that our legal fees are fair and reasonable given our experience, knowledge, and the effort we undertake in every driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence, and refusal case.

If your sole criteria for hiring an attorney is the firm with the cheapest retainer, then we probably are not the firm for you. While our legal fees are far from the top of the range for experienced drinking and driving defense attorneys, we are not the least expensive because we do not wish to become involved in cases where our time becomes stretched unreasonably thin. Our pricing is competitive. We offer a comprehensive legal defense to DUI, DWI, and refusal charges.

Please feel free to contact our offices to schedule a free case review. An experienced New Jersey DWI lawyer from our firm is accessible from almost anywhere in New Jersey, including Monmouth County, Middlesex County, Union County, Somerset County, Morris County, Essex County, and Ocean County. With so many offices throughout the state, we are truly the NJ firm that is near me no matter where your DWI case is pending.

Understanding the Impact of the New Jersey Driving While Intoxicated Statutes NJSA 39:4-50

New Jersey’s courts have defined “intoxication” or “being under the influence” as a “substantial deterioration or diminution of the mental faculties or physical capabilities of a person” resulting from the ingestion of alcohol or drugs. For the purposes of the laws in New Jersey, driving under the influence (DUI), drunk driving, and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are all the same.

New Jersey’s drunk driving law (NJSA 39:4-50) and its penalties are quite strict. You cannot plead to a lesser offense if you are charged with DWI in New Jersey. Once convicted of a DWI offense, you will lose your license. This means that you cannot even get a limited driving license if you are convicted of DWI. You will also be fined hundreds of dollars and may well be jailed.

By law, a driver is considered to be intoxicated if he or she registers a 0.08% blood alcohol content on a breath or blood test. But, in New Jersey, a driver can be convicted of DWI if he or she has ingested any amount of alcohol and the court is satisfied through a police officer’s testimony that the driver exhibited a “substantial deterioration or diminution of the mental faculties or physical capabilities.”

You can even be convicted for DWI in New Jersey if you are found asleep in your car after drinking. You can be outside of your vehicle while it is parked, locked and not running and still be arrested and convicted of DWI in New Jersey.

Prosecutors have a professional obligation to win convictions in DWI cases. They are not there to do you any favors, but they do recognize that it will be more difficult to prosecute a case if the accused has a DWI lawyer.

Our lead attorney, Jonathan F. Marshall, is a former DUI prosecutor with 25 years of experience in superior and municipal courts across New Jersey. Our other attorneys have similar experiences. The attorneys of the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are respected by prosecutors and judges throughout the New Jersey justice system. We know when to negotiate for a more favorable sentence and when we have a case that should go to trial. We can help you.

Penalties for New Jersey Drunk Driving Convictions

New Jersey DUI PenaltiesPenalties for violation of New Jersey drunk driving laws are severe and grow harsher with higher BAC and additional offenses, including:

DUI / DWI First Offense

With a BAC of 0.08 to 0.09 percent:

With a BAC of 0.10 percent or more:

  • Fine of $300-$500
  • Up to 30 days in jail
  • 7- to 12-month driver’s license suspension
  • Two 6-hour classes at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center over two consecutive days
  • Annual surcharge penalty of $1,000 for 3 years

Second Offense

  • Fine of $500-$1,000
  • 2 to 90 days in jail
  • 2-year driver’s license suspension
  • 48 consecutive hours detainment in a regional Intoxicated Driver Resource Center
  • Annual surcharge penalty of $1,000 for 3 years
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device for 1 to 3 years after license restoration

Third Offense

  • $1,000 fine
  • 180 days in jail
  • 10-year driver’s license suspension
  • Detainment in an in-patient alcoholism treatment program
  • Fee paid to the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center as decided by the court
  • Annual surcharge penalty of $1,000 for 3 years
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device for 1 to 3 years after license restoration

Any DWI / DUI conviction also requires:

  • A Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund surcharge of $100
  • A Motor Vehicle Commission restoration fee of $100
  • An Intoxicated Driving Program fee of $100
  • A Violent Crimes Compensation Fund fee of $50
  • A Safe and Secure Community Program fee of $75

A judge may also order the revocation of the defendant’s vehicle registration.

Penalties increase if a DWI / DUI occurred in a school zone or school crossing.

A parent or guardian convicted of driving while intoxicated with a passenger in the motor vehicle who was 17 years of age or younger is also guilty of a disorderly person’s offense. They will lose driving privileges for up to 6 months and be required to perform community service for up to 5 days.

Learn more about the potential penalties for DWI in New Jersey

Refusing to Take a Breath Test After a DWI Arrest

Any individual who drives a motor vehicle on a public road or highway in New Jersey gives his or her implicit consent to submit to a breath test if suspected of driving while intoxicated. A police officer must have reasonable grounds to believe that a person is driving while intoxicated to justify the collection of a breath sample. But a driver’s refusal to submit to a breathalyzer test when requested can result in mandatory penalties.

First Offense

  • A fine of $300 to $500 and a mandatory drunk driving enforcement fund surcharge.
  • License suspension for 7 to 12 months. The suspension may run concurrently with a related DWI conviction at the judge’s discretion.
  • Two 6-hour classes at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center over two consecutive days.
  • An ignition interlock device installed on all registered vehicles for the period of the license suspension plus an additional period upon restoration of driving privileges of 6 to 12 months.
  • $1,000 Division of Motor Vehicles surcharge annually for three years.

Second Offense

  • A fine of $500 to $1,000 and a mandatory drunk driving enforcement fund surcharge.
  • License suspension for 2 years. The suspension may be imposed for a second refusal to submit to a breath test or for refusing after a previous DWI conviction.
  • Ignition interlock device installed on all registered vehicles for the period of the license suspension plus an additional 1 to 3 years after license restoration.
  • Division of Motor Vehicles surcharge of $1,000 a year for three years and the individual’s license will remain suspended until the surcharge is paid in full.

There is no mandatory jail sentence for a second offense of refusal. Therefore, there is a clear incentive to plead to the refusal to submit instead of a related driving while intoxicated charge if you are charged with both.

Third Offense

  • A fine of $1,000 and a mandatory drunk driving enforcement fund surcharge of $100.
  • License suspension for 10 years.
  • Ignition interlock device installed on all registered vehicles for the period of the license suspension plus an additional 1 to 3 years after license restoration.
  • Participation in an Intoxicated Drivers Resource Center alcohol education program. The IDRC may impose conditions on the restoration of the driver’s license, such as mandatory attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

To obtain a conviction for refusing a breath test, the state must prove that:

  • The police officer possessed probable cause to believe that the accused was driving while intoxicated or operating under the influence of drugs.
  • The defendant was arrested for DWI or DUI.
  • There was a proper request to submit a breath sample.
  • The accused refused to perform the test.

New Jersey courts have ruled that the following can be construed as a refusal to submit to a breath test:

  • Silence. The accused must assert a willingness to perform the test. While an individual has the constitutional right to remain silent, New Jersey courts have expressly held that this right does not apply to questioning regarding consent to a breath test. Accordingly, silence is almost always construed as a refusal to submit to the breathalyzer.
  • Short Samples. A refusal charge may be filed if an individual “fakes” blowing to supply a breath sample or is unable to provide sufficient air volume or maintain volume for the necessary time period to register a valid reading.
  • Outright Refusals. When an individual refuses consent for a breath test with a flat “No” or another negative response to the request, a summons for refusing to provide a breath sample may be filed immediately. In addition, when there is an express refusal, police are not required to read the second paragraph of the Standard Statement requesting consent, which advises the accused that they will be charged with refusing the test.
  • Delaying or Stalling Administration. This is engaging in any tactics that are obviously intended to delay the efforts to start the test. In this regard, the Supreme Court of New Jersey clearly stated in State v. Widmaier, 157 N.J. 475 (1999), an individual suspected of driving while intoxicated has no right to delay breath testing. Efforts to stall can, therefore, be interpreted as a refusal.
  • Conditional Consent. New Jersey courts have expressly held that anything short of an unequivocal “Yes” or “I will” can be construed as a refusal. As a result, if an accused individual responds to a police officer with “If…”, “Can you tell me…” or anything other than an affirmative and unconditioned agreement to take the test, it can be interpreted as a refusal to submit to the breath test.

What NJ Prosecutors Must Prove to Convict You of DWI

Every DWI case hinges on specific legal questions, such as:

  • Was the traffic stop valid?
  • Did the officer have enough evidence to make an arrest?

In some cases, the questions are even more complex. For instance, if a client is found sitting in a parked car with the engine running, we argue intent to operate the vehicle, which can make or break the case. It’s these kinds of operational challenges that we thrive on dissecting, ensuring our clients are given every possible advantage.

To satisfy a New Jersey court that the defendant is guilty of driving under the influence, the prosecution must prove the following elements of the crime of DWI:

  • Operation of a vehicle or vessel. The text of New Jersey’s law does not define the operation of a vehicle. But New Jersey courts have said, “Operation may be proved by actual observation of the defendant driving while intoxicated, by observation of the defendant in or out of the vehicle under circumstances indicating that the defendant had been driving while intoxicated, or by defendant’s admission.” (State of New Jersey v. Donna Ebert, 377 N.J. Super. 1, 871 A.2d 664. (2005))
  • By the defendant. There must be something in the prosecutor’s evidence that links you to the vehicle. Usually, this is the officer’s testimony that he or she observed and stopped your vehicle and found you behind the wheel. However, if you were not driving but were “in or out of the vehicle under circumstances indicating” you had driven the vehicle, the officer would have to explain how he or she surmised that you had actually driven the vehicle – and that you were intoxicated at the time.
  • While intoxicated. The court’s finding that the defendant was under the influence can be based upon the arresting officer’s testimony, which may rely on observation of the defendant’s driving or demeanor and/or the results of field sobriety tests, and the officer’s training and experience, which enables such a judgment.
  • And/or with an alcohol or blood alcohol concentration at or above the limit set by statute. A blood-alcohol content of 0.08% or higher is considered “per se” evidence of intoxication. The prosecutor will try to prove a 0.08% BAC or more by introducing results of a chemical test of the defendant’s blood, breath or urine. But such tests are not valid unless they are conducted in a timely manner after an arrest and under other specific circumstances.

Each of these elements must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt or the court should hand down a “not guilty” verdict. If a prosecutor knows he or she cannot prove these elements of a DWI/DUI charge, the charges should be dropped. As your attorneys, we would scrutinize the facts of your case as they applied to each of these elements and determine where and how the prosecution’s case can be effectively attacked.

How We Will Work to Get Your NJ DUI Charges Dismissed

Being charged and convicted for drunk or drugged driving in New Jersey can have a drastic and long-lasting impact on your life. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your DWI / DUI arrest, you have a right to and deserve a strong and dedicated legal defense that seeks the best available outcome for you.

The sooner the DUI defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can get involved in your case, the better the opportunity to challenge the charges you face. There are many defenses to driving-while-intoxicated charges in New Jersey. Regardless of the allegations, prosecutors must prove their case. Our task, which we approach with the utmost seriousness, is to raise every challenge and poke as many holes in the prosecution’s case as possible.

The Arrest

For the traffic stop that led to the DWI charges you face to be valid, it must have been supported by reasonable suspicion that a motor vehicle violation had been committed. Under State v. Carpentieri, the New Jersey Supreme Court held that the police must have an explainable and reasonable suspicion that a violation of the traffic laws has occurred in order to make a stop for DWI.

Once an individual is stopped, the police must have probable cause to believe that the driver is intoxicated to make an arrest and conduct a breathalyzer test. Typically, the law officer will administer one of a variety of field sobriety tests, although only three have been scientifically validated as accurate if administered correctly. You have the right to refuse a field sobriety test, but that won’t stop you from being arrested. Doing well on a field sobriety test probably will not stop you from being arrested, either, but it may be evidence in your favor later.


When a driver is charged with a DWI, DUI, or refusal to submit to a test in New Jersey, the defendant receives a complaint. After the complaint is filed, the defendant makes his or her first appearance at an arraignment, where the charges are read and the defendant is informed of his or her rights under the law, and enters a plea of guilty or not guilty.

If you have engaged an attorney to represent you, the initial appearance can normally be waived. The arraignment can be “adjourned” by the DUI lawyer sending a letter of representation to the court advising it that you are represented, were advised of your rights, and that you are entering a plea of “not guilty.”


The discovery process begins when the prosecutor turns over all evidence the state has against a defendant to the defendant’s attorney. We also will get your statement and any other available evidence, and start asking questions. At this point, we can determine whether there are any issues that call for immediate dismissal of the charges, such as:

  • Lack of probable cause or reasonable suspicion for stopping you
  • Lack of probable cause to believe you were intoxicated
  • Failure to advise you of your Miranda rights against self-incrimination
  • Improper or untimely administration of breath-alcohol content testing (with the Draeger Alcotest “breathalyzer” instrument)
  • Improper inspection and certification of the Draeger Alcotest breathalyzer machine
  • Illegal “search and seizure” if blood was drawn to test the alcohol content

In many cases, we can contest the chemical test administered. The standard instrument used in New Jersey, the Draeger Alcotest “breathalyzer” instrument, is subject to certain rules and restrictions, and the operator should record the steps taken to calibrate it before administering each test. It must also be maintained between uses and inspected regularly. There is a coordinator’s certificate required to show that a breathalyzer machine operator knows how to precisely calibrate, use and inspect these machines to ensure they are functioning properly.

Our attorneys, who are certified to operate and maintain the Draeger Alcotest 7110 MKIIIC alcohol breath test instrument, can question a breath test operator closely and identify mistakes that call a breath test into question. Many smaller New Jersey precincts have few if any certified breathalyzer operators on staff, and it is not unusual for us to demonstrate that test results are of questionable validity.

Similarly, to prove a drug DWI in New Jersey, the law generally requires that the state subject a suspect to a series of tests administered by a drug recognition expert (DRE). If the police station you were tested at did not have an expert on staff when you were there, the evidence will in all likelihood be inadmissible.

We may be able to establish other defenses and bring them to the prosecution’s attention. For example, it may be that a mechanical defect in your vehicle caused the driving problems that led to the traffic stop. Perhaps a medical condition adversely affected your demeanor and/or ability to complete field sobriety tests.

How Suppressing Breathalyzer Readings Can Win Cases

In New Jersey, a DWI conviction often hinges on the breathalyzer results. Our goal in many cases is to suppress those readings, removing them from the evidence entirely. Why? Without a reliable breathalyzer result, the prosecution’s case becomes significantly weaker.

We’ve succeeded in suppressing evidence in approximately 70% of cases, often due to officer error, incomplete documentation, or improper calibration of the device. This success rate is one of the reasons clients trust us to handle even the most challenging cases.

Trial on DWI Charges

If we cannot get charges against you dismissed, there will be a trial before a judge in the municipal court where you were charged. There is no right to a jury trial for DWI offenses. If found guilty, the municipal court judge will sentence you according to state guidelines for DWI and DUI offenses.

If a conviction cannot be avoided, our criminal defense attorneys will work to have BAC readings, or blood or urine test results excluded or minimized so that you receive the minimum punishment available.

We can also negotiate with prosecutors and/or argue before a judge as to proper treatment of any prior convictions you have. Sentencing can vary significantly if your prior convictions are for a DWI rather than a refusal to submit to a breathalyzer test.

If your first conviction is for refusing to submit to testing rather than for a DWI, then New Jersey law says you must be sentenced as a first offender. However, if your prior conviction is for a DWI, and you are subsequently charged with a refusal, then this will be considered your second offense and the penalties will be much more severe.

Our attorneys can ensure that the law is applied fairly in relation to the unique circumstances of your case. This requires a DWI defense attorney who fully understands the law, and who has a relationship with local prosecutors and judges that ensures their arguments will be heard and considered. It also requires a defense attorney whose firm allows spending the time and resources needed to properly investigate and fully challenge DWI charges.

The Law Offices of Johnathan F. Marshall can provide that level of representation to you if you face a drunk driving charge in New Jersey. Our attorneys have worked DWI and DUI cases as prosecutors and defense attorneys in courts across the state. We recognize that people make mistakes. We can help you keep a DWI or DUI conviction from damaging your life today and limiting your opportunities in the future.

Questions to Ask Before Hiring an Attorney

When interviewing potential attorneys, it’s important to ask the right questions. Here are a few that can help you identify a true expert:

  • What percentage of your practice is dedicated to DWI cases?
  • Are you certified in breathalyzer operation or field sobriety testing?
  • How many DWI cases have you successfully defended?
  • What is your approach to challenging evidence, such as breathalyzer results or probable cause for the stop?
  • What is your experience with cases in the specific court where my case will be heard?

Don’t be afraid to ask for specifics. An attorney’s answers will give you insight into their level of expertise and commitment to your case. You want to make sure you hire a true DWI specialist. You’re looking for them to have some sort of advanced training in breath testing and field sobriety protocols, and a deep understanding of the science and technology used in DWI enforcement. They should also be able to share a track record of successfully defending cases in your jurisdiction.

Additionally, specialized attorneys are often known within the legal community for their expertise. If another lawyer or firm refers you to someone, it’s often a good sign that they’re considered an expert in the field.

Meet With Our New Jersey DWI Lawyers Now

If you have been charged with driving while intoxicated or under the influence (DWI or DUI) anywhere in New Jersey, a DUI defense attorney from the Law Offices of Johnathan F. Marshall can work to obtain the best possible resolution of your case. It is imperative to hire a DUI lawyer as soon as possible after an arrest. There are opportunities to challenge your arrest and/or evidence, and to avoid potentially costly and long-lasting penalties.

Contact the Law Offices of Johnathan F. Marshall at any of our nine locations across New Jersey as soon as possible for a free initial consultation about a DWI charge.

New Jersey DWI Frequently Asked Questions


Can I Be Requested to Take a Breath Test Without My Lawyer Present?

You may have heard from TV shows or family members that the best thing you can do if you are ever arrested is to plead the fifth and refuse to talk or do anything without a lawyer present. This is true in most legal situations. However, because of the nature of DWI’s and your body’s ability to lower its BAC over time it is important for the prosecution to get a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) reading as soon as possible. Because of this, if you refuse to take a breath test on the grounds that you want your lawyer to be present you will be charged with a refusal.

Can You Refuse a Breath Test in New Jersey?

Since driving in the United States is considered a privilege and not a right, you are required to follow certain conditions in order to enjoy the privilege of driving. One of these conditions is that you will consent to a breath test if the police suspect that you are intoxicated. Because of this, If you refuse to submit to a breath test after an officer has requested one from you, it will result in a ticket that is similar to a DUI/DWI. The ticket is referred to as a refusal under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50.4a. A refusal is much easier to prove in court than a DWI because the prosecution just has to prove that there was probable cause to suspect that you were driving under the influence and that you refused the breath test.

Am I Allowed to Refuse a Sobriety Test in New Jersey?

Many New Jersey drivers eventually find themselves in a situation where they have been pulled over by a police officer under the suspicion of a DUI/DWI. This situation can occur whether you have been drinking or whether you are completely sober. Either way, your behavior in this situation is paramount and you should do your best to avoid self incrimination. 

In New Jersey you have the right to refuse all sobriety tests, however refusing these tests may result in a ticket or be used as evidence against you. So, there is no simple answer as to whether or not you should consent or refuse a sobriety test. The answer is not simple because it depends on many different variables including the circumstances of the traffic stop, medical problems, and many other situational issues.

When addressing sobriety tests it is important to know that there are different types of tests and refusal of these tests can have differing results. The main two tests used in DWI convictions in New Jersey are Field Sobriety Tests (FSTs) and chemical tests such as the Breath Test.

Are roadblocks constitutional?

Generally, roadblocks are constitutional if certain procedures are followed by law enforcement officers. Under State v. Kirk, the court held that temporary road block set up by exercise of absolute, unbridled discretion of officers in field is violative of State Constitutional provision against unreasonable seizure; however, if certain procedures set forth, ensuring supervisory control of checkpoints and warnings to motorists, are carefully followed, any constitutional objections will be overcome.

Am I entitled to a jury trial on my DWI charge?

No, you will be tried in front of a municipal court judge in the municipality you have been charged in.

Am I entitled to an attorney when charged with a DWI?

A DWI in New Jersey is not considered a criminal offense, it is considered a motor vehicle violation. Because it is a “quasi-criminal” offense, you are not entitled to an attorney when you are stopped, subjected to sobriety testing, and arrested for a DWI. However, you should contact an attorney once you are charged with a DWI in order to contest any issues relating to your vehicle stop or testing.

What are the State Motor Vehicle surcharges in New Jersey for DWI convictions?

For a first and second offense, the surcharges are $1,000 a year for three years. For a third offense, the surcharges are $1,500 a year for three years.

What is the legal limit in New Jersey?

The legal limit in New Jersey is a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .08 %

How much does it cost to hire an attorney for a DWI?

Attorneys fees for DWI charges can range greatly depending on prior offenses, the BAC reading, a trial, and most importantly – the experience and quality of your defense attorney.

Legal representation for DWI cases varies widely in cost. The average DUI attorney in New Jersey can charge between $2,500 to $7,500 for a first offense. This cost variance reflects the time, effort, and expertise that are required to be dedicated to each case. For example, while many attorneys resolve cases in just one or two court appearances, where our team will often need to appear six or more times for a complex case. This thorough approach is designed to challenge every aspect of the case, from the legality of the stop to the validity of the evidence.

Choosing a DWI attorney is about more than just cost—it’s about value. A higher upfront investment in the right attorney can save you thousands in fines, reduce or eliminate license suspensions, and even keep you out of jail. When evaluating your options, focus on expertise, experience, and a proven track record. At our firm, we bring all of these elements to the table, ensuring that every client receives the defense they deserve.

Is there any way to challenge my DWI charge?

Yes, there are many ways to challenge your DWI charge. The traffic stop must be supported by reasonable suspicion. The police officers must have probable cause to believe that you are intoxicated to conduct the field sobriety tests and breathalyzer test. The field sobriety tests can be challenged. The breathalyzer test can be challenged, for example, based on the breath test operator being unlicensed or the breathalyzer machine malfunctioning. These are just a few of the tactics to contest DWI charges.